Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Israel: Back against the wall

I don't know what to say. We are in the 20th day of this fucked up onslaught of killing. Over 1,000 people killed. Thousands more injured. People are starving and scared.
Are we not human beings or what? This makes my blood boil! Just imagine if this was being done to you and your family. It would make me want to go and hurt somebody(putting it nicely).

As a Jew, I have always been taught to have empathy for others and I think that's a basic principle for any human being. This type of killing and oppression is not the Jewish trait I was brought up to believe in.

From what I hear, the majority of Israeli's support this "war". Now why would they feel like this? Is it that they are scared? Is it that they feel guilty for oppressing other people? Are they confused that they have built a foundation on quicksand?
I can imagine it being confusing when you are a second or third generation person being brought up in Israel and you are thrown into this mix, but it takes a lot of courage to look at yourself and say, "maybe I don't belong here", "maybe I should look a mile away and see what's really going on".

Is it realistic that "Israeli's" are going anywhere, anytime soon? Probably not. But if they want to stay there, I think some serious ego checks are in order from the Israeli government. I think the people of Israel are reasonable people(at least I hope) and would go with serious concessions to restore their faith from the rest of the world.

Rant rant rant..........


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