Thursday, November 13, 2008

Isreal shuts down food aid. Where is the OUTRAGE?

Israel has been systematically choking Palestinians and denying them any relief from hunger. Where is the outrage??? Recently former UN High Commisioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson spoke out against this oppression despite knowing full well that it's not viewed postivley to do so. It seems that know one else has the balls. Where are the international leaders?

I believe that even most Israeli's would be appalled at what they see (or don't see for that matter). I can imagine it would be very hard to really look at reality if it was being done in your backyard. A serious case of the denials is the only thing that is keeping this country afloat and that can only happen for so long.

My personal opinion is that Israel/Palestine is one of the most majestic, awesome places on the face of the earth, but if we as Jews want there to be a place called Israel, I think we need to back off and give all people their freedom and the healing can begin. Some serious concessions on both sides need to happen in order to co-exist.

This issue is so complex because feelings run real deep on both sides but if there can be a few moderate leaders who can simplify things on a ground level and force people to change their views in order to preserve a realistic way of life for everyone, than I think peace could be possible.

I'm interested in hearing from any of you as to what could be done to help solve these issues.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

CJ and Max from Tacoma, Washington sum up the evening


Although Barack has said he stands with Israel, he seems to be much more open to listen to all sides on this issue. Let's hope this leads to real positive change for human rights worldwide. Having elected him can really help to restore our standing in the world.

Looking foward to our days ahead.......

Here's a song with a great message and dope break!

Skull Snaps-"It's A New Day"

Sunday, November 2, 2008

An intro:

So what is an American Jewish kid doing creating a blog about New Orleans and Palestine, you might wonder? Well it's pretty simple. Human rights!!!! Do all human beings deserve to have self-dignity and freedom? I think so. The connection between the people (mostly of color) of New Orleans and Palestine is uncanny.

Once Hurricane Katrina hit, most of the people in the "projects" were not allowed home and were relocated to FEMA trailer parks that are surrounded by wired fences and armed officers. The people of Palestine are controlled by checkpoints and walls. The government in New Orleans has been looking for a way to force the people out of the projects for years because the land it sits on is near the French Quarter and therefor perfect for tourism. The palestinians lived on land in and around Jerusalem that is claimed by Jews as a home land. The similarities go on and on......

I do not stand by what I see as blind support for Israel by America and my Jewish brothers and sisters. I think that if the people that are affected the most in Palestine and New Orleans were white, than it would be a different story. Race and class has always been the underlying factors in prejudices we see around the globe.

Now, I consider myself to be a very spiritual person in nature, but how can I expect to elevate myself in spirit if I am ignoring what's happening to my fellow human beings on the ground? How can I not make the connection between a closed-in ghetto in Germany and a walled-in Gaza? There is a bit of irony there.

This blog is intended to share my opinions on the struggles of these two human populations (and others), and hopefully start a dialogue with you, while remaining positve so we can make it better for our fellow humans and future generations.


Here's a clip from a documentary called "Big Easy to Big Empty" that I found quite insightful.

More written info on that here .

Also, I couldn't resist. Since the presidential election is in 2 days; here's a song by New Orleanian native, Lee Dorsey called "Yes We Can".

Lee Dorsey-Yes We Can